Monday, June 19, 2006

Look at this!!

This was Bruces first pair of cowboy boots. My mom took them over to where Cody works and the man there made them into for me and one for Jean. It came with this verse Proverbs 2:20 That thou mayest walk in the way of good men, and keep the paths of the righteous. It was funny because both Elizabeth and Cody said hey who ruined dads boots......these were his old ones that were no good but he could just never throw them away.


Pauline said...

very cute idea
and great verse!

Brenda Arce said...

the boot looks nice. Is there a liner inside or are the plants planted right into the boot?
How was Father's Day? I meant to call but got busy...did you go out to the cemetery?
You're trip is coming up soon isn't it? Are you ready?

Bonnie said...

What a neat idea! I like them - and with the verse too!