Tuesday, November 14, 2006

And you think you have bad hair days?!

This was Catherine this morning...Miss Wild thing! She had taken her pajamas off during the night...so she could sleep like Christopher!


Roni said...

To funny. Now that is a true bad hair day

Pauline said...

thanks for the good laugh!!! I love that picture!!!!!!

Barbara said...

Oh my, where do you start? I'll always have this picture in mind now when I hear that expression about a "bad hair day". More power to you. You always have her looking so pretty in spite of it all.

uncle lew said...

WHY????DOES SHE WANT TO BE LIKE CHRISTOPHER?? maybe that puddle was from her (not the pastor) HAHA
Catherine you are a beautiful little "gear" and that is what God made you to be so just be yourself OK ..you have so many beautiful pj's to pick from so wear them and keep warm. MomMom loves your hair!!
I'm just glad I don't have to comb it for you everyday HAHA

Bonnie said...

That is so funny! Love it!