Thursday, July 19, 2007

Church...what is it for?

This may not be the best time to ask a question with so many of you going on vacation and all but, I'll go ahead and post it and wait to hear your responses.
We are in the process of looking for a new church home. As we visit different churches the question has come to me..."What is church for?" "What is the purpose of church?"
It seems that different churches exsist for different reasons. Some may exsist for the sake of relationships with each other, keeping one another accountable. Others may exsist for evangelism, reaching the lost...etc. I feel we need to answer that question before we can find a "home". So, I thought I would ask if any of you have thought through or wrestled with this seemingly easy question and find out what your thoughts are on the subject.


Rob and Becky said...

well, there has been of course so much written on this topic. Some very helpful, and some very useless. The best that I have seen is W.I.F.E. The church has got to be first and foremost about "W"orship (don't mean singing). If we are going to worship, we must be "I"nstructed from the word. The body must be a body in our "F"ellowship. As we worship, are instructed, have true fellowship, we need to be a reaching out community, "E"vangelism. Well, that is my 2 cents. Rob

Rob and Becky said...

The church is the "bride" or W.I.F.E of Christ, right?

The DeLormes said...

I like Rob's acronym. That sums up some very important "purposes" that the church should have.

I think that just as in our own Christian walk, God has spelled out in Scripture many purposes that we are to be fulfilling simultaneously. The problem is that due to our sin nature, we don't fulfill them least not consistantly. Similarly, it is required of EVERY church (or The Church) that we worship,instruct,fellowship, physical needs, keep each other accountable, remain committed to one another, submit to each other, etc. But, sin causes us to not fulfill His purposes. Comfort and lack of service on the part of the individuals lead to an incomplete church.

I also think that though we should be striving to meet all of His purposes, He will also gift certain churches specially in one area or another.

In searching for a church that fulfills the purposes as outlined in Scripture, one might really become frustrated these days! But the Lord calls us to not forsake the gathering of believers. It then almost becomes more important to focus on who WE can be to our local church, before the Lord, rather than finding a church that has each purpose in place...

Those are my 2 cents. Keep us posted on your conclusions. Cyndi

Chip and Karen said...

It wasn't long ago that we were searching for a new church, as we moved to New England. For starters, it's not as easy to find a "biblically based" church in this area as it has been in other areas we've lived. But regardless, I can empathize with your questions. I'm still not entirely sure how we ended up at the church we're at... the process wasn't the same as it had been for us in the past.

When we first decided to make it our church home, we weren't really wild about the preaching or how the worship service was designed (or even if it was designed)... two of the biggest things that draw people into a church. That said, it just felt "right." We somehow felt like this is where God was calling us to be in this time. In our 2 years here, we now have a new worship leader, and a new pastor about to start!

I completely agree with the other statements. What I would add, though, for me, is that one of the "must-have's" is an environment / community where I can be "real" with the people around me.

We'll pray that God leads you to the place where he can work in you most and through you most!

Roni said...

I also feel that the instuction or the feeding that you recieve is very important. We need to be well feed so that we can be recharged and ready to go back out into the world. We need to be well steeped and doctrinely sound in order to go back out there and lead people in. I know that I now feel that my church is my second home. I go there to be fed, to be lifted up, to be fellowshipped with but also to be convicted. All of this leads to growth and change. Growth and change leads us to become more like christ. So i guess I am saying that the church is to be for the christian a place to be refueled, convicted and challenged and taught,so that we can bring more people to saving grace so they need the same. A place to be equiped. A place where God resides with us.

Pauline said...

I agree with all the above but would add...

I would sum up that the purpose of Church is to be and do what we daily do (worship, learn, pray, help those in need, and reach the lost) but do it together corporately. Much like a choir of many voices sounds different of the same song sung solo. Our life is a living "sacrifice" to the Lord… not just alone, but as the body of Christ. (That is a sacrifice to submit to each other and get along!!!) To learn from the mature, train the young, encourage the immature, and reach the lost. Church is a place of worship where I go to learn from other Christians, grow through training and mentorship, worship, praise God Together. Yes, we do those things at home (because it should start at home first) but at church we can fellowship together, draw strength from each other and praise God together, come into unity, one mind, and watch God work and use his people. A place to practice submission to other believers and Its mission is to spread the Gospel and bring in the lost and to learn truths, edify, encourage each other as a whole. Many today would like to do away with Church altogether and live out Christianity independently of each other.

We recently had to go through the process of finding a new church as well. After awhile you almost start to feel like you are window shopping in the mall! Each one with its catchy advertisement and “hip” look trying to attract certain groups… we have this and we have that. How blessed we are that we a choice at all. All those things are important to me and my family and finding what we would like to provide for ourselves and kids. But when it comes down to it, it’s like Chip said … we just felt it was where God wanted us.

The top priority however for us was that the leadership have Godly character (love, compassion and HUMILITY, and a passion for God’s Word, and discipleship) A church can have all the right “programs” and lack compassion and it then is just an activity. Look for the churches heart and character, not the programs, credentials and activities...

It is tough and hard process, but we will be praying that you'll just "know" when the one that God wants you at comes along. Keep us posted. Even the process is a growing experience!!

Thats my two cents!

Bonnie said...

I wasn't going to leave any comments because I agree with everyone else! :-) After reading your post I was reminded of (I Corinthians 12: 4 – 31). It seems like some churches have bigger feet than others and other churches have larger hands than others etc. Ha! :-) The ideal church it seems would be a good mix of all the gifts of God…

I guess I’ll add something after all. That looking at the values and convictions of the leadership of the church is very important. I think someone already mentioned that, but I just wanted to add that if you’re on the same page as the leadership of the church, then you have their support. The people in the congregation, as you know, are going to be from all different walks of life, different levels of spiritual maturity, different backgrounds spiritually speaking and with different spiritual gifts meaning they will have a passion for different kinds of ministry…. Without the support of leadership, you’re swimming upstream in a sense. And, first and foremost, like Chip said, pray that the Lord would show you the one He would have you attend and see where He leads. That’s my two cents….

Rob, I really liked that acronym!

Tom Thompson said...

Church "shopping" is so difficult because it almost forces us into the world's consumer outlook. We tend to focus on what the church can do for me when the truth is that the focus should be on what I can do for the church. Consumerism is killing the American church. We have created a culture of church goers who sit in a pew waiting to be fed, served, and cared for. As followers of Christ we are first and foremost called to love God and neighbor. Any church that is following God will be characterized by love for God, each other and the world around them. Secondly we are called to make disciples by going, baptizing, and training. I believe that the church must have an outward focus. If our mission includes going why do we so often sit in our pews complaining about the world around us because they won't come to church? The world is never commanded to come to church. So the purpose of the church is to glorify God, love one another, reach out to our world with the love of Christ, incorporate new believers into the family and train them to obey Christ. Our church has put it this way: "Our mission is to exalt Jesus Christ as we evangelize our world, establish new believers in the faith, encourage them in their daily walk and equip them to serve others in the Jesus name". Having said this I admit we fall short of this every day.

If I were looking for a new church my priorities would include
*Leadership that loves God and sets an example of Christ-like servanthood.
*Biblical Truth taught in an atmosphere of grace and forgiveness
*An attitude of love towards all people
*A servant's heart in the community
*A place where I can serve others
*A kingdom mindset--By this I mean a belief that we are to reach our world for Christ rather than build our own little kingdom.

Hope this makes some sense. I was so encouraged to read each of the posts. We are truly blessed by our herritage. God has blessed this family in incredible ways. May we always serve Christ and those around us.

Bonnie said...

Amen Tom! I like your list of priorities. Might think you were a preacher or something! :-) Right on!

The DeLormes said...

Next time I need advice or direction on anything I will be sure to ask about it on the blog! What a spiritual and thoughtful set of people!!!!

Brenda Arce said...

thank you all for your answers, dont' have time to post right now, to respond...