Friday, May 04, 2007

Catherines 1st hair cut

Catherine had her first hair cut today. You have to check out our blog, to see the photos. We just can't get over how different she looks! When she looked in the mirror the first time she said "I look like Alexia!" I also bought a satin head wrap for her to wear to bed at night to protect her hair, I haven't downloaded that picture yet or I would have posted it too...she looks like a beautiful Aunt Jemima! Her appointment lasted 3 hours and she needs to go back in 8 weeks. She'll need to get a job soon just to pay for her salon visits and salon products!!
We just got back from Minneapolis. We went to "Children Desiring God" conference. I wish I could tell you all that we learned! It was so very good. Check out their website for great resources Even though we aren't working with our church in children's ministry it was still so very good to hear just as a parent.
We even ran into some NJ people. A large group from a CMA church in Vineland were there and a couple from Egg Harbor Twp. That couple (the Longs) go to church with Tom and Linda! In fact he had just spoken to Uncle Tom on the phone that morning! Isn't that too funny, what a small world!


donnaraet2003 said...


You are a beautiful girl, hair cut or no hair cut. Yes, your hair cut is really pretty. I especially like the picture of your Mom and you together. You're both so cute together.
"Ole" Uncle Earl

Pauline said...

oh my word!!! I cannot believe how much longer her hair actually is!!!! wow, she looks so pretty with it straight as well as curly!

Barbara said...

You both look beautiful with your new hairdos...That must have been quite a project for the beautician...wonder if she gets that many opportunties like Catherine? Love, Aunt Barb

Brenda Arce said...

I took her to a girl who is bi-racial herself and most of her clientelle are black. I guess she has seen women with Catherine's hair. But, she was surprised at how much hair she has, it is very thick. She has a little girl who is around 1 year and she said she hopes her hair is like Catherine's when she gets to be the same age. I have heard that black women spend long visits at the salon, now I can see why...the process is long.

Bonnie said...

Hi Catherine!!

How do you like your new hair doo? I think it looks cute! You are beautiful either way. :-)