Friday, January 20, 2006

Please pray for Calixto's grandmother

We just found out tonight that Calixto's grandmother, "Lala", has lung cancer. She is 94 years old and has out lived all of her 5 siblings of which she was the youngest. This is his step-mother's mother, Calixto is very close with her and has been since he came to the states. He filled the desire for a son that she never had. He obviously is pretty upset...she sounded good on the phone but, she did ask him to pray that she wouldn't fall apart. Please pray for her and Calixto's family. This will be yet another difficult time! (She worked at a day-care and preschool up until last year, the kids started calling her "Lala" many years ago and she has been known by that for several generations of kids that she has loved on.)


Anonymous said...

She sounds like a wonderful lady. I will pray. God bless. Love ya Uncle Lee

Pauline said...

Calixto, I am so sorry to hear that, praying for you with yet another difficult situation with a loved one... you all are facing so much lately.

Bonnie said...

Praying for you as well! She sounds like such a nice lady.

Barbara said...

So sorry to hear about Calixto's LaLa. We will pray that God will take her Home gently without much suffering.