Saturday, October 28, 2006

Where did my little baby go?

That is Cody with number 4
Today was our homecoming game. We lost 21 to 9 but it was a good game. These pictures are in backwards order but I am to tired to redo them. After the game there was a homecoming banquet. Cody and three other students got to go. Elizabeth didn't go but here is a picture of her and Sami. Notice her new hair color....I love it.
This is Cody, Justin, Ashley and Sami. Ashley and Sami are cheerleaders

Don't these two look scarey? I don't know why they can't smile.
Watch out for number 10


Brenda Arce said...

great pictures!!
Gizard-I love the new color!! Why didn't you go to homecoming?
Cody-Are you enyoying football? you're looking good. Christopher's soccer # is 10 because Calixto's football # was 10 in highschool! How was homecoming?

Bonnie said...

Well Cody, looks like you're having fun! Have you heard of the movie Facing the Giants? It's a christian movie about a high school football coach and his team. Excellent movie!!!! Don't know if you have it up there yet or not.

Elizabeth, I like your hair color too! It looks good on you!

Barbara said...

Nice pictures, Roni. I like Elizabeth's new hair color!

Pauline said...

Love the hair color Elizabeth!