Monday, March 17, 2008

Prayer Request

Our Head Administrator at school, a woman I've known for at least 14 years, is battling cancer. Over 20 years ago she beat ovarian cancer and now she is fighting this awful disease once again. She has been doing chemo treatments for the past several months. She has been doing extremely well, is still working and looks wonderful. She received some unsettling news this week after some tests were run to check the chemo's effectiveness. Here is what she wrote on her blog:

"Well, I can't say this is one of my favorite days, in fact I have given myself permission to just dedicate this as a, "I am tired of this crap (excuse me...) day. It has been such an emotional week for me. My armor is thin, thin during these evaluation intervals. I'm not hard to spot...give me one little poke and I just spill over. I have tried real hard this week to stay positive, hang on to truths, and expect the best. Well, I simply am all used up. So I am going to sit on my porch and simply have my time.
Today we got good news and sobering news. The good news is my blood work that measures the cancer in my body have gone down 33%. The doctor is thrilled because it means my body is responding to the chemo. The fluid is not returning and my weekly blood work continues to come in strong. My body is also staying strong throughout this war. The disappointing news is they can now see the mass in the lining of my stomach, which they could not see the source of the cancer cells before. The new news is that they also saw a spot in my lung. It is a small spot, but one to watch for sure.
So, I declare this my official crap day and then tomorrow I will get up and start over!"

She is usually very upbeat and positive and sweet but, obviously she had a breakdown after hearing this news. Please pray for Connie-for healing and for strength to endure this painful journey! (She and her husband, Johnnie, have 2 adopted children in Jr high and highschool.)


Earl's Family said...

Brenda, we will pray for Connie and her husband and kids. Remember too that with God all things are possible. Healing? Maybe here --- and maybe when she gets to heaven. But pray? Yes we will pray and we'll pray for God's mercy and intervention.

"Ole" Uncle Earl

Pauline said...

sure thing, I will pray for her too.

Bonnie said...

What a tough battle! I pray the Lord gives her the strength she needs to see her through this! Thanks for letting us be a part of praying for her.

Barbara said...

Wow! What a difficult thing to deal with. In it all, however, I thought she was brave to "get it out" and lay it on the table before her friends to seek some prayer support. I'll be praying for her. Hey, what is this we hear about you having a tornado come through and take a tree down in your yard????