Tuesday, August 01, 2006

I Can almost see!!!

I finally did it. I went and had Lasik surgery yesterday. I can see much better today. Yesterday my eyes were all gritty and itchy and foggy. Today they are still a little foggy but i can see well enough to drive. Yay I can wear my sunglasses. I can't wait until my eyes clear up and I can see perfectly. I keep reaching for my glasses though and I keep trying to push them up my nose. Well I though I Would share an improvement in me.


Pauline said...

OH how exciting!!! I really want to do that, but Mark is still worried it'll make it worse. Let me know all about the results when it clears up.

Tom Thompson said...

You are so brave. I have considered it, but thinking about the procedure still gives me shivers! You are in my prayers while you heal.


Brenda Arce said...

That's great...I can't believe you can see well enough to drive already!
So, you won't have to wear glasses at all? What freedom, I'm sure.

Roni said...

I went back to day and my sight went from being able to only read the top e on the chart to reading the second from the bottom and that is with some fogginess left. I am sure when the fogginess is gone it will be 20/20. I have no pain or anything today. i would recommend it.