Monday, May 22, 2006

School is out and summer is here!

Here is our "Incredi-girl"! Luckily she only wears her mask at home!This was Christopher's last soccer game as a "Tiger". I didn't a good picture the whole game. He received his trophy yesterday. He was very proud when the coach called him the offensive star of the team. Next season he will be automatically re-pooled onto a new team. He's been on the Tigers for 2 years. Saying goodbye to Mrs. Ford, the best 2nd grade teacher! This is at awards night, each child gets a godly character award, Christopher's was "Joyfulness". We had prayed in the mornings that he would be a joy to his teacher this year and God answered those prayers and instilled that character quality in him. He also made the honor roll and received the presidential fitness award. (Mom, do you notice how skinny he has gotten?)The last day of school is always "Field Day" The kids have a lot of fun with a little friendly competition. Pop-pop do you like his haircut?
Catherine decided to put the bicycle helmet on all by herself! We just laughed and laughed as she rode around for a while like this! Mommy just had to make a little adjustment...and no Elizabeth I didn't clip her neck! I am always very careful not to do that again to any child. I don't want to scar anyone else for life!!I need to go figure out a daily summer schedule for me and the kids! Hope everyone is doing well!


Pauline said...

way to go with the helmet Catherine! too funny.

Christopher great to hear you got the joyful award! I think that is wonderful

Bonnie said...

Congratulations on all the awards Christopher!!!!! I bet your parents are really proud of you!

So Catherine, why do you need to wear those glasses/mask? What's it for?